
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Your Car Accident Injuries?

When we first meet with a new patient, they often have the same question – how long will it take to get better? The problem is that there’s no way to know for sure. The doctors at our Athens treatment center do their best to help their patients recover from their car accident injuries quickly. However, the goal is to make sure you recover safely.

Recovery Time for Car Accident Injuries Will Depend on the Seriousness of Your Crash

Some people find a way to brace themselves and walk away with only minor injuries after a car crash. Other people, especially those who are completely caught off-guard, tend to suffer more serious injuries.

One thing is true of all accident victims, however. They need to get treatment for their car accident injuries right away. First, you need to make sure you’re physically okay. Second, your accident lawyer will need a copy of your medical records to prove your case.

Even if You Suffer Minor Injuries, You Should Still Visit an Athens Treatment Center

Some of the patients that visit our Athens treatment center suffer only minor injuries. For example, they may have been involved in a rear-end collision and experienced whiplash.

Others are involved in much more tragic accidents, such as drunk driving accidents. People involved in these accidents usually suffer life-threatening injuries. The doctors at our Athens treatment center do their best to treat all car accident injuries.

Never Refuse Treatment for Your Car Wreck Injuries

One of the biggest mistakes you can make after a car crash is refusing medical treatment. This happens entirely too often. People assume that they’re fine. Or they’re afraid that it’ll be too expensive to seek treatment.

This is why it’s very important for people to realize that they can visit our Athens treatment center without paying anything upfront. As long as your lawyer is suing on your behalf, you will not pay for your medical care out-of-pocket.

Doctors at Our Athens Treatment Center Handle Everything From Whiplash to Paralysis

There are a lot of factors that impact the length of time it will take for you to complete your medical treatment. Obviously, the biggest factor is the seriousness of your car accident injuries.

The practitioners at our Athens treatment center treat all sorts of car accident injuries. Some of our patients are suffering from whiplash or a sprained ankle. Others suffered such serious injuries that they will spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

There’s no way to tell a patient exactly how long their treatment will take. Of course, once we have run the necessary tests and done the initial assessment, we have an idea of what their treatment plan will look like. But that doesn’t tell us how they’ll respond to treatment.

car accident victims must receive medical care immediately

Every Patient’s Car Accident Injuries Are Unique

It’s also important for patients to understand that no two accidents are the same. Neither are any two accident victims. One person may recover from their car accident injuries in six weeks. It may take another victim with the same injuries several months to make a full recovery.

In addition to the nature and extent of your car accident injuries, there are other things that can impact the course of your treatment:

  • A patient’s age has a lot to do with how quickly and how fully they’ll recover
  • Your prior medical and physical condition will have a significant impact on your recovery time
  • Some patients are stronger or more resilient than others and this will seriously affect your healing

We suggest that anybody who’s been involved in a car accident take things in stride. Don’t give yourself a deadline as to how quickly you need to recover. The doctors at our Athens treatment center believe that speed isn’t always the most important thing.

The First Thing Your Doctor Will Do Is Run the Necessary Diagnostic Tests

Before we can craft your treatment plan, we need to know exactly what car accident injuries you’ve suffered. The only way to do this safely is to run the necessary diagnostic test. Some of these include:

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • Ultrasounds
  • MRI
  • Neurological examination
  • Physical examination

These tests will tell our doctors the nature and extent of your car accident injuries. The results of these tests, along with your medical history, will help us determine the best course of treatment. It will also help us come up with a timeline for your recovery.

It Could Be Weeks, Months, or Even a Year

When you first come to our Athens treatment center, we will draw up a care plan for you. We will go over this with you so that you can fully participate in your treatment. And, while we will never force anyone to continue treatment, we will encourage you to see your care plan through to the end.

As briefly mentioned above, there are some patients who are able to make a full recovery in a matter of weeks. There are others who take more than a year to fully recover.

For example, someone with whiplash (and no other injuries) should reasonably expect to recover within a week or two. However, someone who has back surgery and needs long-term physical therapy should expect a much longer recovery period.

You Don’t Want to Stop Treatment for Your Car Accident Injuries

One thing we tell all of our patients when they first come to our Athens treatment center is that they should never stop treatment abruptly. It can take time to make a full recovery.

There are doctors out there who will rush a patient through their treatment and rehabilitation. That is not a philosophy that our practitioners subscribe to. We would rather it take a bit longer for you to recover if it means you’ll be healthier in the end.

The Practitioners at Our Athens Treatment Center Want You to Enjoy a Safe Recovery

A lot of the patients at our Athens treatment center are looking for a quick recovery. However, the most important thing is that you heal and recover in a safe way. This may take longer than you’d wish. However, trust that we have your best interests at heart and will do our best to help you safely recover from your car accident injuries.

We recommend that you agree to go to the emergency room by ambulance immediately after your accident. The police officers who arrive at the scene will arrange transportation for you.

Since you don’t have to worry about paying anything upfront, there’s no reason not to seek treatment.


If You've Been in An Accident, Don't Wait!

Hurt 911 is your best solution if you’ve been injured in an accident. Our team can manage your treatments and set you up with an attorney.

Our goal is to help you recover. In other words, Get Better. Get Paid.