
Types Of Truck Accident Injuries 

If you’re like most people, you’ve seen more than your fair share of tractor trailer accidents on the side of the road. Most of us look away because these Atlanta truck accidents tend to be serious, and nobody wants to see people being loaded into an ambulance.

If you happen to be one of these people, then you have probably suffered very serious truck accident injuries. Once you’ve been treated at the emergency room, you’re going to need to find an Atlanta injury center you trust.

Thankfully, we offer state-of-the-art treatment as well as some of the most experienced practitioners. Whether you need chiropractic care or some other form of treatment, we can help.

It is crucial to seek help from truck accident attorneys to assist in obtaining compensation and medical help. These professionals provide comprehensive support to victims, including navigating insurance complexities and leveraging their negotiation skills to achieve full compensation.

We understand that your truck accident injuries may prove to be life changing. You may not be able to work again as a result of your injuries. You could end up needing long-term treatment as well. If that’s the case, then you should call our Atlanta injury center right away.

We’ll arrange for you to come in for your initial assessment. Once we have an idea of the nature and extent of your truck accident injuries, we can design a care plan that works for you. We customize all of our patients’ treatment plans. Now two people are exactly alike, and neither are their injuries.

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Trucking Accidents are The Most Dangerous of All Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our practitioners have cared for people who have been involved in all sorts of motor vehicle accidents, including those suffering from common truck accident injuries. While motorcycle accidents can be extremely dangerous, they typically only involve one motorcycle rider.

When you see tractor trailer accidents on the side of the road, you’ll find that there are usually several people injured. Ironically, the truck driver is usually able to walk away with a few bumps and bruises. It’s the people in the cars and SUVs they hit that suffer the most.

When a trucking accident occurs, the unique factors and severity often result in extensive injuries. The responsibility of a trucking company in such accidents can include issues like dangerous cargo, defective machinery, driver violations, negligent hiring, and vehicle maintenance. For those of you who suffered extensive truck accident injuries, there’s a good chance you’ll need surgery.

We probably won’t see you until after you’ve had your initial surgery. Once you’re recovering from your injuries, we can modify your treatment plan. As your pain levels decrease, the type of treatment you receive will change as well.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Atlanta

Truck accidents in Atlanta, like in many bustling urban areas, are unfortunately frequent and often result in severe consequences due to the size and weight of commercial vehicles.

Understanding the common causes of these accidents can help raise awareness and potentially prevent future incidents. Here are some of the primary factors contributing to truck accidents in Atlanta:

Trucking companies can contribute to accidents by pressuring drivers to ignore regulations and failing to maintain their vehicles properly. Additionally, there is potential for punitive damages if a trucking company is found to have knowingly endangered others through actions like employing unqualified drivers or neglecting maintenance.

Driver Fatigue

One of the leading causes of truck accidents is driver fatigue. Truck drivers often work long hours to meet tight deadlines, which can result in insufficient rest.

Fatigued drivers have slower reaction times and impaired judgment, increasing the risk of accidents. Federal regulations mandate rest breaks and maximum driving hours, but these rules are sometimes ignored or inadequately enforced.


Speeding is a significant factor in many truck accidents. Trucks require more time and distance to stop compared to smaller vehicles, and speeding exacerbates this problem.

In Atlanta’s busy traffic, a speeding truck poses a severe risk to other motorists. Additionally, speeding increases the likelihood of losing control of the vehicle, especially in adverse weather conditions.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is another major cause of truck accidents. Truck drivers may use their phones, eat, adjust the radio, or engage in other activities that take their attention away from the road.

In a city like Atlanta, where traffic can be unpredictable and congested, even a momentary lapse in attention can lead to catastrophic accidents.

Improper Loading

Improperly loaded or overloaded trucks can be hazardous. If cargo is not secured correctly, it can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unbalanced and potentially leading to rollovers or loss of control.

Overloaded trucks exceed weight limits, making them harder to maneuver and increasing the likelihood of mechanical failures.

Mechanical Failures

Mechanical issues such as brake failures, tire blowouts, and engine problems are common causes of truck accidents. Regular maintenance and thorough inspections are crucial to ensuring trucks are safe to operate.

However, sometimes companies cut corners to save time and money, resulting in poorly maintained vehicles on the road.

Adverse Weather Conditions

Atlanta’s weather can be unpredictable, with heavy rain and occasional ice creating hazardous driving conditions.

Trucks, with their large size and weight, are particularly affected by slippery roads. Poor visibility, reduced traction, and longer stopping distances in adverse weather increase the risk of accidents.

Inadequate Training

Proper training is essential for safely operating a commercial truck. Inadequate training can leave drivers unprepared for handling the complexities of driving a large vehicle, especially in a busy urban environment like Atlanta.

Ensuring that all truck drivers receive comprehensive training and ongoing education can help mitigate this risk.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating, frequent lane changes, and road rage, contribute to truck accidents.

The pressure to meet delivery schedules can lead some truck drivers to engage in risky driving practices. In Atlanta’s dense traffic, aggressive driving can quickly lead to collisions.

Substance Abuse

While most truck drivers adhere to strict regulations regarding substance use, there are instances where drivers operate under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Substance abuse impairs a driver’s ability to react quickly and make sound decisions, significantly increasing the likelihood of an accident.

truck accident injuries

We Treat All Types of Common Truck Accident Injuries

Given the sheer size of tractor trailers and box trucks, it should come as no surprise that accident victims often suffer terrible injuries. Some of these include the following:

  • Brain injuries including a traumatic brain injury
  • Back injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Lacerations and burn injuries

In addition to treating these injuries, we can also provide guidance on truck accident claims to help you seek the compensation you deserve. In truck accident cases, having strong legal representation and thorough evidence collection is crucial in building a strong case.

Of course, we do not treat every type of injury. For example, if someone is suffering from 3rd degree burns as a result of their truck crash, they need to stay hospitalized. The only real treatment for burn injuries is time.

There’s nothing our Atlanta injury center can do to speed up your recovery. However, for the other injuries listed here, our office maintains the necessary equipment to offer whatever sort of treatment you need.

Our Atlanta Injury Center Offers a Variety of Services with an Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer

Some people assume that our Atlanta injury centers only offer chiropractic services. That could not be further from the truth. Our practitioners engage in a variety of treatments designed to help relieve our patient’s pain.

The first thing we will do is run the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the nature and extent of your truck accident injuries. In addition to medical treatment, we can also refer you to trusted truck accident lawyers to help you navigate the legal process.

These truck accident lawyers can provide expert help, handle complex negotiations, and offer free consultations to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. This could include any or all of the following:

  • X-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Neurological examination
  • Physical examination

If you need further testing, such as an EKG or ultrasound, our Atlanta injury center can arrange for these tests as well. Whatever it takes to pinpoint the exact location and severity of your injury is what we’ll do.

Our Practitioners Custom Tailor Your Treatment Plan

We take our clients’ care very seriously. It’s important to us that we provide each patient with a treatment plan specifically tailored to their needs. We consider the patient’s physical condition as well as their past history of injuries and illnesses.

We also look at the patient’s age and overall physical shape. We work hard to make sure each client makes progress with each visit to our Atlanta injury center. We also work tirelessly to come up with treatment plans that meet our clients’ specific injury.

Since no two patients are the same, it’s important that no two care plans are the same either.

If you’ve recently been involved in a truck accident, you probably suffered extensive injuries. You may have already had surgery. If you’re like a lot of our clients, you may need additional surgeries in the future too.

An experienced truck accident attorney can also work alongside our practitioners to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. Our practitioners meet with their clients a few times a week, checking their progress along the way.

They also tweak their treatments to target their patients’ specific truck accident injuries. Our goal is to make sure you feel pain relief as quickly and as safely as possible.

If you were recently in an accident and need help, contact our office today. We can schedule your initial assessment. Come into our offices and we will run the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the nature and extent of your injuries.

Depending on what we find, you may need treatment for a few weeks or a few months.

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Contact One of the Practitioners or an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney at Our Atlanta Injury Center

If you were recently involved in a truck accident, you will likely need extensive medical treatment. Our Atlanta injury center is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support for truck accident victims.

A truck accident case can be complex, and seeking legal help is crucial to navigate the process effectively. Our Atlanta injury center treats a variety of truck accident injuries. Depending on the nature and extent of your injuries, our practitioners will design a treatment plan specific to your needs.

To get the process started, all you have to do is call our Atlanta injury center and schedule your initial assessment. Once this is completed, our team will have a much better idea of what your treatment plan should look like.

If you have any questions in the meantime, give us a call and we’ll do our best to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


If You've Been in An Accident, Don't Wait!

Hurt 911 is your best solution if you’ve been injured in an accident. Our team can manage your treatments and set you up with an attorney.

Our goal is to help you recover. In other words, Get Better. Get Paid.