
Steps to Take When Injured in an Auto Accident

After a car accident, everything in your mind is blurred. Shock does not let you feel the pain and think straight, at the same time. However, you must act quickly in order to minimize the impact of your injuries and protect your legal rights at the same time. Your journey to recovery starts at our Roswell injury center.

But let us detail the necessary steps to protect your health and right to recover damages from the at-fault driver:

1. Report the Car Accident

In Georgia, drivers must report any traffic accident resulting in bodily injury, death or property damage amounting to at least $500. This is a legal obligation that conditions your eligibility to file an insurance claim later on.

When you report the accident, consider asking for an ambulance if you have severe injuries. Otherwise, you can call 1-800- HURT911 and let the doctors at our injury center know that you will arrive soon for a check-up.

2. Don’t Discuss Fault at the Crash Scene

It is natural to feel upset about the crash. But don’t start accusing the other driver or making any claims related to fault to the police officers who will investigate the accident. This is a matter that will be determined by your car accident lawyer later on.

The only kind of information you should provide is:

  • Your driver’s license
  • Insurance information
  • A brief description of how the accident happened

The same is true when you call your insurance company to report the accident. You must not accept or assign fault to any party.

3. Take Photos and Videos of the Accident Scene

Because Georgia follows a comparative negligence principle in all personal injury matters (including car accidents), you will have to prove that you were less than 50% at fault for the accident in order to seek damages. This is always a contentious matter when insurance adjusters start making their own findings.

call an ambulance after a car crash

You will need solid and unbiased evidence to prove your case. Photographic evidence at the crash scene is among the best weapons a lawyer can use to win your case.

Use your mobile phone camera to cover the entire area of the crash. Make sure you capture clear images of:

  • Your injuries
  • The damage sustained by your car
  • The position of the vehicles after the crash
  • Skid marks, signs of sudden braking

4. Seek Medical Care Immediately after the Accident

Car accident injuries may not be immediately visible or have symptoms. Plus, the adrenaline rush after the crash will numb your pain for a few hours. You should not walk away from the accident thinking that you are OK.

Instead, come to our Roswell injury center to get examined by a doctor. We will handle all diagnostic tests and recommend effective treatments to manage pain and help you heal.

At the same time, we will recommend an experienced personal injury lawyer on our staff to help you file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company.

5. Seek Compensation for Your Damages

Once you are out of danger and pain, an attorney at our center will start working with you to understand how the accident happened, put together the available evidence and prepare your letter of demand.

We are on your side to help you heal from your injuries and recover economic and non-economic damages from the at-fault driver.

The Doctors and Lawyers at Our Roswell Injury Center Are Ready to Help You!

If you did not suffer severe injuries, there’s no point waiting in the ER until a doctor can see you. At our Roswell injury center you will get the best medical care from our doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists. We won’t ask for your health insurance or charge fees in advance.

Call 1-800-HURT911 after your accident and we will be ready to treat your injuries and help you claim your legal rights to receive compensation!