
Skull Fractures: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Skull fractures take a lot of force, since it is not very easy to break a human skull. The skull is a solid protective box for the brain and can withstand and cushion force. However, some impacts are strong enough to compromise the integrity of this part of the skeletal structure. For example, some car accidents can cause the head of the victims to suffer a hard blow.

A fall from a tall height where the victim lands on their head or when someone else uses a hard object like a hammer or a baseball bat are examples of scenarios that could lead to skull fractures. Sports-related injuries and the impact of a flying object are other causes of skull fractures. When the skull suffers such effects, it can break or fracture.

Thankfully, if you live in Georgia and have suffered a skull fracture, a medical expert Hurt911® Injury Centers can manage and treat it. But before that, it is crucial to know the types and detect the symptoms of skull fractures.

Types of Skull Fractures

There are varying levels of severity with skull fractures. Each level of severity emanates from a corresponding severity of force or impact. Some skull parts are more delicate and susceptible to damage than others. Therefore, the impact location also determines how severe a skull fracture will be.

There are several types of skull fractures that represent the severity levels and the healing period. They include:

  • Closed Fracture 

The skull can suffer a fracture without having any external evidence. That is, the skin around the fracture remains intact and untouched. This type of fracture is also called a simple fracture.

  • Open Fracture 

In the case of an open fracture, the skin around the injury site is affected by a splintered bone. Therefore, the fracture location is given away by the injury area on the outside of the skull.

  • Depressed Fracture 

A depressed fracture shares some similarities with an open fracture. Here also, there is a splintered part of the skull. However, unlike the open fracture, the cracked skull affects the brain rather than the skin. The loose bone veers inwards and attacks the brain.

  • Linear Fracture 

Here, there is no splintering from the skull, and a thin line or crack without any branches is all there is.

Some types of fractures, for example, the depressed fracture, are more likely to lead to brain damage or death than others. The basal skull fracture requires surgery and is one of the most severe cases of skull fracture. It occurs when there is a blow to the lower part (base)of the skull, and there are visible effects on the eyes and ears of the victim.

Symptoms of Skull Fractures 

It is possible to suffer a skull fracture and be oblivious of it. Not many people are aware of the symptoms of this injury. Due to this lack of awareness, the wound may degenerate until it’s too late to be remedied. If you suffer any blow or impact to the head, you should know what symptoms to watch for to get quick and effective medical care.

  • Swelling on the head
  • Bleeding of the head
  • Bruises near or on the ears or eyes
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Chronic headache
  • Unconsciousness
  • Seizures
  • Poor memory
  • Restlessness
  • Stiffness of neck
  • Fainting
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea

If you notice a combination of a significant number of these symptoms, it is best to act quickly and report your findings to a doctor. The doctor may recommend a CT scan to confirm the presence of a skull fracture. Other methods of diagnosing skull injuries include the MRI scan, the X-ray, pupil test, and blood tests to discover an impending infection.

How To Treat a Fractured Skull 

The most common treatment option for victims of skull fracture is surgery. For milder cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to prevent seizures or an infection outbreak. However, there are skull fractures that heal on their own with time.

Receive Treatment for a Skull Fracture at Hurt911® Injury Centers

A challenge as delicate as a skull fracture requires a lot of skill and experience to handle. This requirement is why Hurt911® Injury Centers should be your first choice for the best personalized care in Georgia. We have made a name in chiropractic care and diagnosis with our team of certified and experienced specialists and our robust arsenal of high-grade diagnostic technology.

So, did you suffer an accident that hurt your skull? Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. We offer same-day appointments and an excellent attorney referral program if negligence caused your injuries.


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