
Do I Need Insurance to See a Chiropractor in Athens?

A lot of accident victims are afraid to see a chiropractor in Athens because they’re worried about how much it will cost. They assume that, at a minimum, they’ll have to pay a copay or meet their deductible. The truth is that our Athens treatment center won’t charge you anything upfront.

Are You Seeing a Chiropractor in Athens for Your Car Accident Injuries?

If you are, in fact, seeing a chiropractor in Athens for injuries related to a car accident, you won’t have to worry about the costs of treatment. Your accident lawyer in Athens will work hard to make sure you’re compensated for your injuries.

Our focus is on making sure you get the best care possible. The practitioners at our Athens treatment center work hard to provide our clients with consistent and safe care. We want you to make a recovery, but we won’t force you to do more than your body can handle.

Many Accident Victims Can Benefit from Chiropractic Treatment

Over the course of a year, we see hundreds, if not thousands of new patients at our various treatment centers. We have locations all over the State of Georgia. One thing we all have in common is that we have a lot of motor vehicle accident victims.

Chiropractic care lends itself nicely to the type of injuries people suffer in motor vehicle accidents. For example, if you suffer a back injury, you may need surgery. Or, if your injuries can heal without the need for surgery, you can always see a chiropractor in Athens.

Our Athens Treatment Center Does Not Require You to Have Insurance

When you first come to our Athens treatment center, you will not have to provide us with your personal health insurance information. Instead, we will negotiate our explanation of the benefit form and apply it toward your legal settlement.

What we’ll do is file a lien against your car accident lawsuit. This way, you don’t have to worry about paying anything out of pocket. When you settle your case, whatever your bills are from our Athens treatment center will be paid out of the settlement proceeds.

The Costs of Seeing a Chiropractor in Athens is Paid Out of Your Settlement

The way you’ll pay for your chiropractor in Athens is the same way you’ll pay for any other medical treatment. Your hospital bills, surgery bills, and costs of prescription medications will all be paid when you resolve your lawsuit.

This should reduce the stress on you. You don’t have to worry about paying any fees to our Athens treatment center. Nor do you have to worry about our staff calling you, asking you for payment. This is something we’ll work out with your attorney.

your accident settlement will include chiropractic care costs.

Our Athens Treatment Center is Paid Via a Lien

The way our billing works is that we will file a lien against your lawsuit. This is what would happen if your primary health insurance company paid for any of your medical care. The same is true for Medicare or Medicaid.

When your case settles, your lawyer will have a duty to pay off any existing medical bills. This isn’t something we want you worrying about while you’re trying to recover from your injuries.

You Do Not Have to Pay Upfront to See One of Our Chiropractors in Athens

Once you understand how payment works, the hope is that you’ll call and schedule an appointment at our Athens treatment center. We can do a thorough assessment and do the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the nature and extent of your injuries.

Once our chiropractors in Athens have an understanding of your diagnosis, they can work up a care plan for you to follow. There’s a good chance you may receive your initial adjustment on your first visit. It all depends on your treatment plan and whether you are physically able to receive chiropractic care.

What Happens if You Don’t Win Your Car Accident Lawsuit?

Our Athens treatment center works on a contingency basis, just like your accident attorney. This means that we are only paid if you win or settle your lawsuit. If you are not able to settle your case, or if the defendant wins at trial, we receive nothing.

This is why it’s important that you work closely with your car accident lawyer. They need to be kept abreast of any care you’re receiving at the hands of our chiropractors in Athens.

You Need to Put Your Health and Recovery First

The way we see things at our Athens treatment center is that your recovery is paramount to everything else. You need to focus on your treatment and physical recovery.

If seeing a chiropractor in Athens will help you do this, then you need to make a commitment to yourself. Come to our Athens treatment center for your initial assessment. Then, your chiropractor in Athens will design a care plan on your behalf.

Call Our Athens Treatment Center and Make an Appointment to See a Chiropractor in Athens

If you were injured in a car accident, you’re probably in a lot of pain. Even if your injuries were not all that serious, you’re bound to be feeling less than 100%. The good news is that you can arrange to visit our Athens treatment center and find out what the best treatment plan may be.

Many car accident victims come to see one of our chiropractors in Athens. Whether you suffered a neck or back injury, there’s a good chance you’ll benefit from chiropractic surgery treatment. The only way to know for sure is to meet with one of the practitioners in our Athens treatment center.

Call today and we can schedule your initial assessment. You already know that you won’t have to pay anything out-of-pocket to see one of our chiropractors in Athens. Either the defendant’s insurance carrier will pay for your care, or we can wait to get paid when you settle your case.


If You've Been in An Accident, Don't Wait!

Hurt 911 is your best solution if you’ve been injured in an accident. Our team can manage your treatments and set you up with an attorney.

Our goal is to help you recover. In other words, Get Better. Get Paid.