
Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

At Georgia Injury Centers, our specialists have encountered several accident victims with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These brain injuries often result from work accidents such as slips and falls. Furthermore, auto collisions and sporting accidents can cause TBIs. Indeed, any event that exerts force on the head can leave the victim with TBIs.

In this article, we explain traumatic brain injuries. Notably, the focus would be on the various types of TBIs, symptoms, and possible treatments. If you experience any head pain after an accident, it’ll help to visit Georgia Injury Centers. Such head pains could be signs of a TBI. Therefore, you’ll be better off with our specialists examining you.

What Are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

A traumatic brain injury is an injury to the brain, usually from sudden, external force. Experts also call TBIs intracranial injuries. TBIs often affect how the accident victim’s normal brain functions. TBI is a broad description of a long list of injuries the brain sustains from external trauma. In addition, the brain damage could be to one part of the brain. Conversely, the TBI can diffuse to other areas of the brain.

Traumatic brain injuries are a significant source of deaths in the US. For example, the US recorded about 60,000 TBI-related deaths in 2016. In the following year, another 61,000 people died from TBIs. These figures are part of the 2.8 million Americans that sustain a TBI yearly. Notably, too, this head injury affects men, women, and children.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs can occur in two primary ways. These two forms of sustaining TBIs thus form the major classifications of TBIs. They are:

Closed Brain Injury

A TBI is a closed brain injury when the injury doesn’t penetrate the brain. Furthermore, the wound’s source sometimes doesn’t even penetrate the skull. Consequently, it’s also called a blunt or non-penetrating brain injury. Rapid forward and backward shaking of the head can cause this type of TBI. The jerking of the brain results in bruising and tearing of brain tissue and blood vessels. So, car accidents and unintentional falls are major sources of this TBI class. Shaking babies can also cause closed brain injuries.

Penetrating Brain Injury

This TBI type is just as the name implies. This wound occurs when something pierces the brain through the skull. Usually, the external object breaches the dura mater – the membrane surrounding the brain. A typical example would be TBIs from bullet wounds.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries have a wide range of symptoms. These signs could be physical, sensory, behavioral, or mental. In addition, TBI symptoms often depend on the injury’s severity. For example, mild, moderate, and severe TBIs have different symptoms. However, the general signs include:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Speech defects
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Light and sound sensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Memory and concentration difficulties
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Mood swings and changes
  • Depression
  • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping

Practically, it would help if you didn’t wait to see these symptoms before visiting a doctor. It would help if you had medical attention immediately after a blow to your head.

Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment

TBI treatments also depend on the injury’s severity. For example, patients with mild TBI often need only sufficient rest. They can then supplement rest with prescription pain medication. However, such a patient still requires close monitoring. This is to prevent any complications.

Emergency and Surgical Care

TBI victims may also require emergency care. The plan here is usually to ensure they have sufficient blood and oxygen supply. In addition, emergency responders would try to prevent any further head injuries. Finally, people with severe TBI may need various surgeries to:

  • Stop brain bleeding
  • Fix skull fractures
  • Remove blood clots
  • Create a window in the skull to relieve internal pressure


TBI patients may also need rehabilitation. This would be the case where they need to relearn basic skills such as talking, walking, and eating. So, the TBI patient will need these specialists:

  • Physiatrist
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Social workers
  • TBI nurses
  • Recreational therapists
  • Neuropsychologists

Georgia Injury Centers Can Help You if You’ve Been in a Personal Injury Accident!

If you’ve been in a Georgia accident, you need immediate medical attention because the accident exposed you to the risk of TBIs. However, waiting until TBI symptoms show may be too risky. That’s why it’ll be best to contact Georgia Injury Centers immediately. Our specialists are skilled in treating various accident injuries. In addition, we have several specialists in multiple fields. So, it’ll be best to contact us today.


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