
Back Injuries: Most Common Types

There are several injuries you are likely to sustain, whether at home, at work, or while on the road. It could be broken bones, head injuries, soft tissue injuries, or back injuries. Back injuries are quite common, and they can cause severe pain and discomfort if not treated.

There are different types of back injuries, and this article covers them. If you or a loved one suffer a back injury, visit our Hurt911 Injury Centers immediately. Our chiropractor will provide you with the best care possible using the best medical technology and diagnostic tools.

3 Most Common Types of Back Injuries

The three most common back injuries are sprains and strains, herniated or bulging disc, and fractured vertebrae. We discuss them one after the other.

  • Sprains and Strains

A back sprain or strain is the most common type of back injury. These wounds are sudden or develop over time. For example, you develop a strain by twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon in your back. On the other hand, a sprain occurs from a fall, a sudden twist, or trauma that forces a joint from its natural position.

Sprains and strains have similar symptoms, so it might be hard to tell them apart. These signs are:

  • Muscle spasms
  • A pop when the injury occurred
  • Painful movements
  • Difficulty bending, twisting, walking, or standing straight

A back sprain or strain is easily treatable, especially if you seek help on time. If you take a “wait and see” approach hoping the pain will go away, you may suffer additional injury. Generally, you can treat this injury at home by resting, icing, and applying pressure to the affected area for 24 to 48 hours. This helps alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

You could also take over-the-counter pain meds or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. Depending on the severity of the sprain or strain, you should return to normal activities within a day or two. However, don’t consume too many drugs, and keep in mind that excessive rest can prolong your symptoms. See a chiropractor if your symptoms persist after two weeks or interfere with your daily tasks.

  • Herniated or Bulging Discs

A herniated or bulging disc is more severe than a sprain or strain. This back injury happens when there’s a problem with the rubbery cushions (discs) between the vertebrae. The disc is like a jelly donut with a tough exterior and a soft center.

You suffer a herniated disc when the softer “jelly” pushes through a tear in the disc’s exterior. This could cause the nearby nerves to become irritated and create painful symptoms like:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Leg or arm pain
  • Numbness or tingling

You may suffer a herniated disc and not experience symptoms. Also, you don’t need surgery to treat this back injury. Instead, your chiropractor will present several treatment options, like rest, epidural injections, medications, or physical therapy.

  • Fractured Vertebra

A fractured vertebra or compression fracture is a severe back injury. It happens when there’s a crack or gap in the vertebra, resulting from an aging or weakened spine. You can also sustain a fractured vertebra from a traumatic event.

Symptoms of a fractured vertebra include:

  • Acute or chronic back pain
  • Hunched posture
  • Lost height

The treatment includes rest, wearing a brace, mediation, or physical therapy. Depending on the severity of the fracture, your chiropractor may recommend a minimally invasive surgical procedure called kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty. Your chiropractor will explain each procedure to you and create a plan that best suits your needs.

What Are the Common Causes of Back Injury?

Back injury is one of the most common medical conditions in the United States. So, what causes this wound?

  • Lifting Heavy Objects: You can pull a muscle or tendon when you lift heavy objects, and it’s common in the workplace.
  • Car Accidents: When you get into a car crash, especially a rear-end collision, the impact may cause injury to your vertebrae.
  • Slip and Fall: If you slip or trip, you may land on your fall on your back forcefully, causing you to suffer a compression fracture.
  • Lifestyle Triggers: This can be anything from being overweight, slouching at your desk, not exercising, or wearing high heels. Note your triggers and do all you can to avoid them.

Get Help From Hurt911 Injury Centers

Living in pain reduces your quality of life and keeps you from enjoying the activities you love. So get help immediately after an injury or when you experience back injury symptoms. At Hurt911 Injury Centers, we offer the personalized treatment you can’t get anywhere else. In addition, we help you take legal action. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation.


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