- Car Accidents
You get into a car accident, and the insurance company calls asking for a recorded statement. Don’t feel pressured to give one right away. Recorded statements can be used against you later, so you want to be careful. Before agreeing to give a statement, understand your rights and make sure you’re prepared.
A recorded statement provides information the insurance company can scrutinize to find ways to deny or limit your claim. You aren’t legally required to give the other driver’s insurance company a recorded statement in Georgia. You may have to give a statement to your insurance company if asked.
The best approach is to contact a car accident lawyer who can advise you and protect your rights. Contact Hurt 911 today for a free consultation.
Never Admit Fault
Admitting fault in any way will jeopardize your claim. When the insurance company calls you for a recorded statement, remember:
- Do not say, “I’m sorry.” This can be used against you.
- Keep your answers short and straightforward. Don’t ramble or provide irrelevant details that can be misinterpreted.
- It’s okay to say, “I don’t know,” or “I can’t recall.” Do not make up answers.
- You have the right to end the call at any time. If you start to feel uncomfortable or pressured, let the insurance representative know you will provide a written statement with the help of your legal counsel.
Protecting your rights and claims is the top priority. A recorded statement can be tricky, so staying calm and proceeding cautiously is key.
Ensure You Are Concise
Only answer the questions asked of you. Don’t volunteer extra information or details; be very clear in your statements, leaving no room for confusion or misinterpretation.
Keep your answers short and to the point. The insurance company representative seeks specific information to process your claim, so provide responses that directly address what is being asked and avoid tangents. Replying to concisely unambiguous responses will prevent misunderstandings and help keep the call on track.
Ask for a copy of the recorded statement and review it carefully. Look for inaccuracies, guesses stated as facts or anything that might undermine your claim. You have the right to revise the statement—use it to clarify details and remove speculation.
Never Speculate
Never speculate or guess the answers to the insurance company’s questions. If you don’t know the answer, be honest and say so. Ask for clarification on any questions you don’t fully understand before responding.
Guessing or speculating will only create inconsistencies in your statement that could raise suspicion and hurt your claim. It’s always best to provide only the facts you know directly. Don’t feel pressured into answering questions you’re unsure about.
Politely explain that you only want to provide accurate information to assist their investigation. Your recorded statement will likely be analyzed closely, so keeping your answers limited to the truth is critical.
Limit the Scope
When providing a recorded statement, limit what you discuss to just the details of the accident and your resulting injuries. Politely but firmly tell the insurance company representative that you want to narrow your statement’s scope.
- Don’t discuss unrelated personal information.
- Focus specifically on the who, what, when, where, and how of the accident.
Stick to the facts about the events leading up to, during, and immediately following the accident. Describe the sequence of events, timing, location, and anything related to the incident. Keep your statement concise while providing all pertinent information.
Hire an Experienced Car Accident Attorney
An attorney who regularly handles car crash cases will know how to properly handle the insurance company’s questions and protect your rights. In many cases, your lawyer can communicate with the other driver’s insurance company for you.
If you provide a statement, your lawyer can coach you on how to prepare and what mistakes to avoid. Attorneys understand how to negotiate with the insurance company and will fight to win you a fair settlement.
Before Giving a Recorded Statement, Reach Out To Us
Before giving your statement, reach out to us at Hurt 911. We know how to deal with insurance companies and will help you. Call us today at 404-687-9000 or 1-800-Hurt911.
Our experienced personal injury lawyers will advise you on your rights and ensure the insurance provider does not exploit you. Do not go into this alone. We will stand up for you every step of the way and fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.
Get started with a free consultation!