
Benefits of Physical Therapy in Atlanta After Your Drunk Driving Accident

If you were involved in a drunk driving accident, odds are, you’re in bad shape. When other accident victims come to our Atlanta injury centers, they have usually already had surgery. Some have had multiple surgeries.

Here, we’ll discuss how physical therapy in Atlanta can help you recover from your accident injuries.

Drunk Driving Accidents Are Some of the Worst of All Motor Vehicle Accidents

In the experience of the practitioners at our Atlanta injury center, drunk driving accidents are some of the worst of all. There are several reasons for this.

The major reason is that you have no way to prepare for this sort of thing. We’ve seen drunk drivers cross into oncoming traffic and smash into one of our clients head-on. There is nothing you can do to avoid something like this.

The Drunk Driver Is Usually Driving Well Over the Speed Limit

Another reason why drunk driving accidents are devastating is that the drunk driver is usually speeding. Most of the clients who come for physical therapy in Atlanta tell us the other driver was going well above the speed limit.

When you’re speeding at the time of impact, the results can be tremendous. It’s no surprise so many drunk driving accident victims suffer life-threatening injuries. It’s our job to help them recover. That’s the goal of our Atlanta injury center.

The Other Driver Has No Appreciation for the Risks They’re Taking

One other thing we have noticed at our Atlanta injury center is that many drunk drivers take incredible risks. When someone is drunk or high, they tend to feel immortal. It is as if nothing bad can happen to them.

The sad thing about this is that it’s usually the innocent victim who suffers the brunt of these crashes. They didn’t sign up to take these risks. By the time they come to for physical therapy in Atlanta, the damage is done.

What Are Some of the Common Injuries Sustained in a Drunk Driving Accident?

Many of the drunk driving accident victims we meet have suffered terrible injuries. Some of them have already been in treatment for months before they come to our Atlanta injury center.

Some of the injuries our clients suffer in their drunk driving accidents will be discussed in detail below.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

When a person suffers blunt force trauma to the head, there is a good chance they’ll suffer a traumatic brain injury. If left untreated, this sort of injury can prove fatal. This is why it’s critically important that you go to the emergency room to get checked out.

When you first come to our Atlanta injury center, we will run more diagnostic tests. We need to know where you stand currently. That’s the only way we can safely design a care plan for you.


Depending on where you were in the car at the time of impact, you could suffer severe disfigurement. This usually requires several surgeries to try to correct.

Once your surgeries are complete, you will need to attend physical therapy in Atlanta. Once you arrive at our Atlanta injury center, we will do a complete assessment. We will also run any necessary diagnostic tests.

Once we have a clear picture of what the major issues are, we will develop a detailed treatment plan for you. You’ll know what to expect. This also allows your therapist to gauge your progress.

physical therapist in Atlanta treating a car accident victim

Burn Injuries

Some of the most painful injuries our clients have suffered in drunk driving accidents are burn injuries. The problem is that there is no treatment for burn injuries. You simply have to let time do its work.

If you can handle physical therapy in Atlanta, we will devise a special care plan that takes into account your painful injuries.

Back and Neck Injuries

Regardless of the type of accident you’re in, there’s a good chance you’ll hurt your neck and back. One of the biggest problems with these types of injuries is that they can impact your mobility for the rest of your life.

When you come for physical therapy in Atlanta, they will focus on treating these areas. They will work on increasing your range of motion. They can also teach you new exercises and stretches.

Partial or Total Paralysis

Some of the worst drunk driving accidents leave their victims partially or totally paralyzed. These cases can be very complex. Our goal is to help our patients learn how to get around in a wheelchair.

Other patients may have lost a limb and it’s our job to help them adapt to wearing a prosthesis. The practitioners at our Atlanta injury center have the skills and experience to help people with even the worst auto accident injuries.

Physical Therapy in Atlanta Can Be an Integral Part of Your Recovery

If you did suffer serious injuries in your drunk driving accident, physical therapy in Atlanta can help. Our physical therapists have decades of combined experience handling the most intricate of cases.

We understand how difficult life can be after a tragic accident. What we try to do is offer you a safe and gradual recovery. This gives you a chance to slowly acclimate to your new normal.

Call Our Atlanta Injury Center Today and Schedule Your Initial Assessment

If you were hurt in a drunk driving accident, you may be looking at months of physical therapy in Atlanta. Most of the drunk driving accident victims that come to our Atlanta injury center are with us for some time.

One of the reasons for this is that our practitioners are more concerned with you making a safe recovery. There is no reason to rush things. The last thing anyone wants to do is see you aggravate one of your injuries.

We suggest that you contact our Atlanta injury center today. You can schedule a date and time to come in and set up your physical therapy in Atlanta. One of our intake technicians will do a thorough assessment. This way, they can determine the nature and extent of your injuries.


If You've Been in An Accident, Don't Wait!

Hurt 911 is your best solution if you’ve been injured in an accident. Our team can manage your treatments and set you up with an attorney.

Our goal is to help you recover. In other words, Get Better. Get Paid.