
Will Your Car Accident Claim Cover Your Physical Therapy in Athens?

One of the first questions our patients ask us is whether their physical therapy in Athens will be covered. When you’re involved in a car accident lawsuit, it’s smart to ask these questions.

However, it’s important to the practitioners at our Athens injury center that you let your lawyer worry about these things. It’s critical that you focus on making a safe and speedy recovery. There are zero out-of-pocket costs to be seen by a Hurt 911 doctor if you’ve been hurt in an accident.

Every Car Accident Case Is Unique in Its Own Way

No two car accidents are exactly alike. Some accident victims are lucky, and they walk away with nary a scratch. Other times, things don’t work this way.

If you suffer serious injuries in your accident, there’s a good chance you’ll need extensive medical care. You have no control over this. That’s why your lawyer will fight to make sure the insurance company covers your medical care.

This should include your physical therapy in Athens.

All Accident Victims Need to Go to the Hospital Immediately After Their Crash

Whether you think you’re injured or not, you need to go to the hospital. When the police officers arrive on the scene, they can arrange to have an ambulance take you. This way, you can head straight to the emergency room and get checked out by a doctor.

This will be the only way to find out how serious your injuries are. They can determine if you need surgery. If so, there’s a good chance you’ll need physical therapy in Athens.

For Physical Therapy to Be Covered by Your Claim, It Must Be Deemed Medically Necessary

Generally, if your insurance claim is approved, your medical care will be covered. However, there are times when the insurance company may challenge certain parts of your medical treatment. Or they may deny your claim altogether.

How Do Insurance and Courts Decide If PT Is Medically Necessary?

Typically, for your physical therapy in Athens to be approved, it has to be deemed medically necessary. For the most part, if it is, the insurance company cannot deny coverage. If they deny it, then your accident lawyer will address that with them.

If push comes to shove, and you need to file suit, then they’ll have to pay it. Physical therapy in Athens is a reasonable type of treatment for car accident injuries. Any mediator or judge would agree that it should be covered.

There are several criteria that must be met for your physical therapy in Athens to be covered.

Is the Treatment Safe and Effective?

The first requirement for a treatment to be considered medically necessary is that it’s safe and effective. This means that the insurance cover cannot be expected to cover experimental treatment.

The treatment must also be effective. There is ample medical evidence showing that physical therapy is beneficial and effective for people suffering from all sorts of auto accident injuries.

a physical therapist can help you recover from car accident injuries.

For example, if you’ve suffered any of the following injuries, you would likely benefit from physical therapy in Athens:

Just about any physical injury can be treated with physical therapy in Athens. Before any of our therapists work with you, however, your doctor at our Athens injury center would confirm that it’s a good idea.

Is the Duration and Frequency of the Treatment Reasonable According to Diagnostic Standards

The amount of physical therapy you receive must be reasonable. It will all depend on the circumstances. For example, if your injuries were minor, it wouldn’t be reasonable for you to attend physical therapy in Athens four or five days a week for six months.

However, if you suffer paralysis as a result of the accident, you may need intensive treatment like this. It all depends on your injuries. It also depends on the physical condition you were in at the time of the accident.

Is the Treatment Meeting the Needs of the Patient

As long as the treatment meets your needs, there’s a good chance it’ll be deemed medically necessary. Of course, this is a very subjective criterion. Nobody can say whether a particular treatment meets your needs other than you.

Your car accident lawyer will report whether you feel your physical therapy in Athens meets your needs. This isn’t something that the insurance adjuster can deny or confirm.

Does the Treatment Require a Physical Therapist’s Skill?

In order for your physical therapy in Athens to be considered medically necessary, it must be administered by a licensed therapist. The reason they use this criterion is to weed out treatments that have not been deemed legitimate by the AMA.

For example, you wouldn’t be able to go to hot yoga and argue that it should be covered under your accident claim. The same would be true for someone who goes to an herbalist.

You Don’t Have to Worry About Paying for Your Physical Therapy in Athens Upfront

The good news about our Athens injury center is that you don’t have to worry about paying for your care out-of-pocket. We aren’t paid until your case is settled or otherwise resolved.

When your attorney negotiates a settlement of your accident case, they’ll fight to make sure all of your medical treatment is covered. If there are any issues, they will work them out with the defendant or the insurance carrier.

Come to Our Athens Treatment Center for Your Physical Therapy

If you’ve been injured in any sort of accident, it’s important that you receive the medical care you need. You shouldn’t have to worry about how much it costs. We fully understand that it’s easy for someone to tell you to put your health first. It’s impossible to not think about whether your treatment at our Athens injury center will be covered.

If you need physical therapy after a car accident, you don’t have to pay us anything out-of-pocket. Our doctors and physical therapists only get paid once your lawyer wins your case. Our recommendation is that you let your accident attorney worry about that. You need to focus on working hard at your physical therapy in Athens so you can make a full recovery.

All you have to do is call so you can schedule your free, initial consultation. This gives our Athens injury center team the chance to determine the nature and extent of your injuries. Once we’ve done this, we can design a plan for physical therapy in Athens that will help you be well.


If You've Been in An Accident, Don't Wait!

Hurt 911 is your best solution if you’ve been injured in an accident. Our team can manage your treatments and set you up with an attorney.

Our goal is to help you recover. In other words, Get Better. Get Paid.