
What Hit and Run Injuries Are Treated at an Atlanta Injury Center?

People who are injured in a hit and run accident tend to suffer very serious injuries. One of the main reasons the other driver flees the scene is because they realize just how bad the accident was. The doctors at our Atlanta treatment center are trained to treat your injuries after a hit and run.

Here, we’ll explain which hit and run injuries are most common. We’ll also explain how you can seek out help from our Atlanta treatment center.

Hit and Run Accidents Are More Common Than You May Think

On average, there are close to 700,000 hit and run accidents every year. For most of the victims in these accidents, it is nearly impossible to track down the other driver. However, whether you find them or not, you still need to protect yourself.

Ideally, your accident lawyer and law enforcement will find the person who hit you. Once they do, you can file an insurance claim with their carrier. Your claim will include the costs of your medical care.

If you don’t find the other driver, your lawyer can help you file a claim with your own insurance carrier. Your personal injury protection should help cover most, if not all, of your medical bills.

Why Are Hit and Run Accidents So Difficult to Resolve?

One of the reasons these cases are so hard to resolve is that the other driver is long gone. There are times, of course, when the crash is captured on video. Other times, there are witnesses who saw the whole event unfold.

In many of these cases, however, it is very difficult to track down the other driver. Thankfully, your accident lawyer will do their due diligence in tracking them down.

They’ll check with local mechanics. They’ll talk to witnesses. They’ll do whatever they can to determine the identity of the hit and run driver.

Even if You Find the Culprit, They May Not Have Auto Insurance

One of the unfortunate things about a hit and run accident is that the other driver usually doesn’t have insurance. That may be the reason they left the scene. They were afraid to get into trouble for driving without insurance.

If this is the case, you can file a claim with your uninsured motorist’s policy. This may not cover all of your damages, but it will help.

The important thing to know is that you don’t have to worry about this right away. The critical thing is that you come to our Atlanta treatment center and get seen for your hit and run injuries immediately.

This Doesn’t Mean You Shouldn’t Seek Medical Attention Immediately

We always explain to our patients that their health is the most important thing. Once we have a chance to examine you, and run the necessary diagnostic tests, we’ll have a better idea of what treatment you need.

Sometimes, your hit and run injuries may require surgery. You may also need long-term physical therapy. Perhaps you’ll benefit from chiropractic care. Whatever it is you need, you can rely on the practitioners at our Atlanta treatment center to help.

Doctors treating a hit and run accident victim.

You Need Treatment for Your Hit and Run Injuries Right Away

You can’t afford to wait too long to visit an Atlanta treatment center. You have no idea how serious your hit and run injuries are. If you wait too long, these injuries will likely get worse.

Aside from your health, there is another important reason why you need to seek medical treatment immediately. Your lawyer will need your medical records to prove your damages. They’ll also need to be able to prove that your injuries were, in fact, caused by the hit-and-run driver.

What Are the More Common Injuries Caused by Hit and Run Accidents?

Hit and run accidents are similar to other car crashes. Many of them are minor. You may be able to walk away with a few bumps and bruises. Others are much more serious.

Some of the more serious hit and run injuries our Atlanta treatment center see include:

Of course, this list is not exhaustive. There are certainly other hit and run injuries you could suffer. Regardless of what they may be, it’s a good idea to contact our Atlanta treatment center right away.

Your Injuries Will Depend on the Facts Surrounding Your Case

Not surprisingly, the nature and extent of your hit and run injuries will depend on the facts of your case. For example, if you were walking when the car struck you, then your hit and run injuries will be much worse than if you had been in a car.

Other factors will also affect the seriousness of your hit and run injuries:

  • The size of the vehicle that hit you
  • The speed that the two vehicles were going at the time of impact
  • Whether the other driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • How many vehicles were involved in the crash

A lot of other things can impact your injuries as well. The best thing for you to do is to call an Atlanta treatment center and schedule your initial assessment.

You Don’t Have to Pay for Any of Your Treatment for Your Hit and Run Injuries Upfront

If you’re worried about the cost of your medical bills, try to put your worries aside. Your lawyer will work hard to find the other driver so they can be held accountable for your medical bills.

When you come to our Atlanta treatment center, you will not be asked to pay for your treatment. You won’t have copays or other fees to worry about. Our center is paid when you settle your case.

Our goal is to help you make a safe recovery. That is what we want you to focus on as well.

Contact Our Atlanta Treatment Center Today and Schedule Your Initial Assessment

If you were injured in a hit and run accident, there’s a good chance you suffered pretty serious injuries. Many of the patients we see at our Atlanta treatment center are suffering from a host of hit and run injuries.

The good news is that the doctors at our Atlanta treatment center are prepared to help you make a safe and healthy recovery. The first thing you need to do is call our office so we can schedule your initial assessment.

You don’t have to worry about paying anything upfront. Your car accident lawyer will work on negotiating a settlement with the defendant’s insurance company. Or, if you never identify the other driver, they will file a claim with your own insurance carrier.

Never let your fears about medical bills keep you from getting treatment. Your health needs to be your first priority. Call us today.


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