
What is a “No Contact” Motorcycle Accident?

Accidents are uncertain events that may occur at any point in time. You can never foresee them. Accidents may happen with different vehicles like cars, motorcycles, trucks, and vans.

The law also recognizes those accidents where one vehicle does not touch another. Therefore, there is no collision between two vehicles, but still, either or both suffer injuries. In such cases, it is best to consult motorcycle accident lawyer Decatur for getting professional advice. No contact motorcycle accidents have become quite common these days. Let us understand the liability, negligence, and reasons surrounding them.

How do No Contact Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

Such accidents occur when the motorcyclist does not collide with another vehicle, but he or she still suffers damages and personal injuries. Some no-contact motorcycle accidents can also turn fatal. That is why, when such accidents occur, you must reach out to motorcycle accident lawyer Lawrenceville to get claims against the party or insurance company. Although there is no actual contact between the motorcyclist and another vehicle, here are the possibilities:

  • When the driver runs a red light, the motorcyclist can hit the vehicle since the light was green on the other side. Applying sudden brakes can cause the motorcycle to skid through the road and get damaged.
  • When the driver changes the lane without any sign of indicator or horn, the motorcyclist may crash the vehicle in the blind spot since the driver gives no turn signals.
  • When the driver gets indulged in reckless driving by speeding up through the road, the motorist has to take reasonable care. But even after proper care, the motorcycle could crash on the road.

Reasons Why No Contact Motorcycle Accidents Occur

There are some common reasons why no contact motorcycle accidents occur. If people avoid these reasons, they can see a substantial reduction in road accidents and save several lives.

The size, shape, condition, and capacity of a motorcycle matter in no contact motorcycle accidents. Subsequently, you can approach motorcycle accident lawyer Atlanta to deal with such accident cases. Here are some of the potential anticipated causes behind such accidents:

  1. Failure in checking motorcycles
  2. Unsafe lane changes
  3. Violating other traffic laws
  4. Red-light running
  5. Tailgating
  6. Speeding
  7. Distracted driving
  8. Road rage or reckless driving
  9. Failing to check blind spots

Negligence and Liability

The burden of proof for negligence and liability of another driver who has allegedly caused the injury shall be on the motorist.

The motorist is responsible for producing eyewitnesses, camera recordings, and any other additional evidence to prove that the driver was at fault for causing the accident. You can consult Personal injury lawyer Decatur to get advice on proving drivers’ negligence to take reasonable care to prevent accidents.

1800hurt911ga can help you in no contact motor accident cases. We ensure that you have all the resources and legal help to prove that it was not your fault. You can contact us at 1-800-522-2277 to seek any legal advice related to car and motorcycle accidents.


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