
Understanding Pain and Suffering Damages in Georgia

Accidents are damaging, not only physically but also emotionally. Though money cannot bring back your loved ones or reverse a permanent injury, it can reduce the unfortunate event’s agony by providing financial security and a sense of justice through a fair trial.

Pain and suffering is a legal term that includes short and long-term damages caused by an accident. It intends to cover the physical and emotional aspects of the trauma inflicted on the plaintiff and the family.

When a victim files a personal injury lawsuit, emotional and physical harm are crucial elements to strengthen a claim. In Georgia, laws allow the plaintiff to secure compensation for the physical and mental effects of the injuries.

Though the rules differ from state to state, Georgia’s pain and suffering law stipulates:

“In the trial of a civil action for personal injuries, counsel shall be allowed to argue the worth or monetary value of pain and suffering to the jury; provided, however, that any such argument shall conform to the evidence or reasonable deductions from the evidence in the case.”

Thousands of people lose their lives in car accidents in Georgia every year. That also holds true for Atlanta city, where many residents are affected by car crashes. To ensure that you are appropriately compensated, it’s wiser to hire a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta if you have been involved in a car accident. The pain and suffering precisely include:

  • Broken bones and lacerations
  • Future discomfort
  • Long-term mental anguish
  • Mood disorders
  • Loss of consortium with your spouse

How Does One Calculate Pain & Suffering?

Factors like pain and suffering cannot be quantified. However, there are a few factors that are considered while assessing the damage. Georgia allows representation of several elements before the judge to receive the highest possible sum, as there is no restriction on the damage cap limit for pain and suffering. The authority uses the “multiplier method” to decide the compensation. The cost of one’s medical bills is multiplied by an assigned multiplier, which can range from 1 to 4.

The factors considered while assessing the damage:

  • Limitations of movement
  • Medical bills & treatment
  • Distress to loved ones
  • Loss of capacity to retain job & earn wages
  • Loss of interest in daily activities

If you are suffering from any of the factors mentioned above, it’s enough to claim compensation. The amount varies according to the severity of these problems. You need to maintain an account of all your visits to the accident injury doctor in Atlanta. Keep an accident journal recording your honest account of the incident and trauma inflicted by it.

The Fault Factor

In Georgia, to recover the damages, the plaintiff should be less than 50 percent responsible for the accident. Their monetary claim also reduces with the increase in percentage of fault. Our personal injury attorney in Decatur, GA, will significantly bring down your fault percentage to get you a fair settlement.

Claim your FREE consultation with The Hurt 911 Injury Centers personal injury lawyers in Atlanta. Talk to our highly-trained legal experts to understand your rights and secure the damage recovery you deserve.