
How Long Does it Take to Get Money from a Personal Injury Settlement?

Filing a personal injury claim lawsuit after being involved in an accident has fair chances of compensation, significantly when one’s health gets jeopardized due to someone else’s faults. If the claims are valid, the compensation provided is lucrative and deftly deserving. Sometimes, an individual might claim an injury settlement of around $30,000-$75,000. This article shall […]

Are Lawsuit Settlements Considered Taxable & What Should I File?

The money provided from lawsuit settlements is considered an added income and often taxed under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a revenue collecting governing body under the US federal government. The IRS is entrusted with collecting taxes and determines what amount of settlements received against the damages can be collected. Broadly, there are two divisions […]

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

There are some dark periods of our lives where we get ourselves entangled in undesirable circumstances. However, there are instances when we are thwarted by an external entity. The reasons for this could be either negligence or willful attacks. But whatever the reason might be, you should know that you have a personal injury case […]

What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in Georgia?

You can never predict injuries and accidents. However, what you can do is take precautions and actions before and after the incident. Precautions come from an individual’s efforts, but you may have some control over the actions taken after the incident. If you find yourself in a personal injury case and need to know about […]

5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Settlement

Accidents happen every day, and for those involved in such an unfortunate incident, there are many things to consider. If you happen to get injured in a car accident where the other party is at fault chances are their insurance company will approach you for a settlement. The way they present it to you may […]

What You Need to Know About the Hands-Free Georgia Act

Distracted driving claims thousands of lives every year. While technology has the power to keep you hooked, rules remind you of forming and maintaining healthy boundaries to prevent damage to yourself and others. One such law is the Hands-Free Georgia Act, formulated to minimize accidents by compelling drivers to “free their hands” of mobiles and […]

What Should You Not Say to Your Insurance Company After an Auto Accident in Georgia?

Accidents have become a common phenomenon, and people frequently suffer from injuries due to accidents. Some accidents may also result in car damages. You must look after such damages at the earliest. It is best to reach out to a personal injury lawyer in Athens for insurance disputes and claim damages from the parties. Car accidents […]

Who is Liable for a Self-Driving Vehicle Accident?

Technology has come a long way. There were times when people had to figure out several modes of transportation. Today car automation has brought a new regime in the world with leading technology. Who would have thought that there would be driverless cars in the future? Automated cars cause accidents due to which people tend […]

5 Tips for Maximizing Compensation in Your Personal Injury Case

No matter how careful you are, you can be involved in a car crash. If you were injured in a crash that wasn’t your fault, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the party-at-fault. After filing your personal injury lawsuit, you want to do everything legally you can to maximize your […]

Two Ways to Calculate a Pain and Suffering Settlement

In a personal injury case, there are two types of damages available to the plaintiff – economic or special damages and non-economic or general damages. Any loss resulting directly from the accident or the injury comes under special damages. Typical examples include loss of wages, medical bills, property damage, and other out-of-pocket costs.  Special damages […]

What Does ‘No Win, No Fee’ Means in Accident Claims?

Anyone who is injured in an accident is entitled to filing an accident claim if the accident is the other party’s fault. Everyone is aware of the legal rights of a victim after facing a fatal accident. However, the high cost of personal injury lawyers in Atlanta deters most of the accident victims to obtain […]